Sunday, January 15, 2012

another good night's sleep

Another 11 hours or so. Sleep is underrated. I still haven't ruled out going to the clinic for some antibiotics but I won't be in town for more than two or three days, so if they want tests done, forget it!

Meanwhile, I will sleep as soundly as possible and trust in my own antibodies.

I felt recovered enough to attempt a run. Not outside because it's still too cold: I ran on the manual nordic walk/track/? machine in my parents' basement. It works for running as long as I touch or tap the handlebars to gain a little traction. This thing is pretty much like uphill running. I managed only 1.5ish miles, but that was plenty. I didn't notice any suspicious pulmonary fire or heaviness; that is a good sign.

And then I did a FULL bodyrock workout and planks.

If tomorrow afternoon is warm enough, I may attempt a few miles outside.

Sushi again tonight! :D I will be a sushi camel and store up a year's worth for my time in Kansas.


Fran said...

SUSHI CAMEL!! A-hahahahaha!!!

Made my day.

Hope yer feeling better.

Fran said...

I did a full bodyrock this morning before work. felt good. first of the year! how's your rocking going?

cs said...

You caught the torch! Well done:) I've been majorly slacking these past few days.