Thursday, February 5, 2009

rest day

No exercise whatsoever today. Except mentally.
Note to self: when an assigment should take a few weeks, don't try to do it in two days.

Although, after umpteen hours of Chemistry and crappy study food and depleted oxygen (didn't leave the house, even), I felt transported to a higher plane, where the mysteries of the universe, usually obscured by daily minutae, were scintillatingly clear and almost within grasp...where this body, this collection of little things pinging against each other in empty space, was just an encumbrance.

Well, My Little Atoms, you're going to have to really haul butt tomorrow on the track! We're going to revv up the Krebs cycle and pump out some serious ATP, get the core temps jacked up, and I expect to see those increased kinetic forces really playing out. OK?

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