Monday, February 16, 2009


Today I got up feeling worn out. So I decided that it would be a rest day. I had to work anyway.
I slept in, then worked on an assignment. Then jogged to work--and then found out that I wasn't actually scheduled. I'd written down the wrong date in my planner. oops.

But after the nice jog in the sunlight, I wasn't inclined to stay at work anyway. I jogged/walked back home, then changed, grabbed the dog, and off we went. I had a lot of energy during the run, surprisingly. A lot of bounce. So I went with that. Ideally, it should have been a recovery run, and it was, but lately I've been concentrating on my hip flexors and quads, and they had a lot of spring...I kept the effort aerobically easy but allowed myself to get good air, when I felt like it. At some points, I felt a bit tired, but then I thought about keeping form light and so forth, and it made a big difference.

So, a good run.

Especially since the dog caught a rodent of some sort. Well, that makes it good for him, not me or it. I guess these critters are coming out of hibernation, around the War Museum...he picked it up beside a snowbank as we were passing by. I didn't see it until just before he grabbed it. It was moving very slowly. I told him to drop it and he did--he's interested in the chase and since there was none, he lost interest until the thing started to amble away back under the snow, lol. It was fine, just sort of dopey. I think it had just woken up. There were probably others coming up from under the snow, too....can't remember what's under there, brush? field of some sort. So then snowbanks became highly intriguing for the dog and he lost a bit of focus for a bit, but he was still mostly good. I let him have one good dig.

But, man, I wish the path by the river was open...I'm dying for this to open up so that we can get away from crowds a bit more. As we were crossing Alexandria bridge, though, I noticed that the path behind the Museum of Civ looked open, so we might try that tomorrow, if I don't declare that a rest day (which will be a busy one anyway, errands and work).

At any rate, it was quite surprising to feel like crap and then suddenly have loads of energy. I have no idea of how fast we were going, but we covered 6.08 miles in about 60 minutes. Which isn't fast, but we had a fair number of long traffic lights to contend with, too (we easily lose a few minutes just the first 3/4 of a mile to the river). And my breathing remained dead easy and relaxed, nowhere near 2-2 and usually not even 4-2. In short, I wasn't really breathing much more than when I walk, but I wasn't doing my usual jogging shuffle (which I enjoy, by the way, but it was nice having more bounce for my buck today).

9.26 miles altogether today.

I guess the joy and surprise of not having to work on Family Day after all was a huge boost.

Will finish my assignment and then attempt some resistance exercises. I'm totally way off that wagon, and it's time to get back on. and pushups? morning routine? Yeah, I'm in the homestretch re: exams and in this weird endless day sort of routine...maybe it would be better to just try to get the resistance exercises in and be happy with that. My husband is due back for R&R in a few weeks and I will be gleefully jettisoning any routine then. WOOHOO! It'll be a little odd seeing him again after so's already been almost 8 months. Which means that we're 2/3 of the way through. HOLY CRAP!


Nat said...

I miss the river path so much. There are just so many Byron/Scott St./farm loops I can do.

Monday was gorgeous though... winter doesn't get much better than that.

cs said...

I haven't been running in the farm much, and I don't think I run on Byron or Scott...will have to check it out. For me, it's the Canal/bridges/Hull, usually, and it's getting kind of old.