Sunday, May 31, 2009

so, after laying my hissy fit

I forgot the most important things:

The running skirt and stupid pink race shirt in action! And my lamest marathon performance ever. Oh, well, at least I expanded my sartorial limits and met people (medics and the hapless injured guy who accepted the baggie of ice I fished out from underneath my shirt. Ok, to be honest, from within my bra.).

2. I signed up for Emilie's Run. I'm not feeling sharp enough for a 5K, and I anticipate this race being as hot as last year, but it was the race that started this deployment and blog and it feels fitting to end off the deployment with it (sort of--the end date of the deployment won't be conveniently cut and dried!). I think the blog may live on beyond the race, though. It's always 3XX days to something!

3. Tomorrow will be JUNE. The little list on the right will have TWO Junes on it. Meaning, man, it's been close to a year. Time for my husband to come home!
Meanwhile, tomorrow will be time for a retrospective of some sort. On the one hand, I don't feel like a lot has happened this year because I was much more curtailed funds and travel-visa wise during this deployment (basically, USCIS crapped on my plans to work hard and play harder in Asia again), but there were still high points. And low points, of course, but I'll try to be positive :)

1 comment:

Fran said...

Girl you are SO rockin the print! Muscle Mama would be proud!