Saturday, May 23, 2009


I jogged about three miles with the dog.

Hang on, I've been getting lazy, not just running-wise but mapping-runnning-wise: 3.57 miles. An easy run. I hadn't known that it was the great Glebe garage sale, so it was a little crowded there, but clear enough by the Canal.

I wore the race shirt, the blindingly pink race shirt--I'll put some bodyglide on, so that should be ok. I didn't wear the skirt this morning. Ottawa isn't ready for the skirt yet. The Great Glebe Garage Sale isn't ready for the skirt yet. Heck, I'm not ready for the skirt yet! Maybe tomorrow. At any rate, it's very comfortable, so with enough bodyglide, it should be ok. The pockets are big enough to hold my canned coffee, which is a big bonus

It's funny, though...I nixed plans to wear a costume and then ended up with one, sort of, anyway.

At any rate, I'm starting to feel the adrenaline for this thing. My guts weren't steady this morning, so I went on the meds, and will be sure to eat and drink enough today. Should be fine. I have 6 20+ mile workouts under my belt this year, including 2 marathons--endurance shouldn't be a problem. I'm lacking in stamina, though. Speed too, but stamina is more important. Will see!

I'll have some kraft dinner and a nap then head down to see the 10K.


Unknown said...

Good luck tomorrow!

Sorry about the shirt colour though. I wouldn't like pink either!

cs said...

thanks, Sarah! I'm going to try to run off of irritation (at getting a pink shirt). lol