Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Basked in the SUN this morning.  5 C and bright.  It doesn't get much better than this.  I saw three other runners in and around the forest.

50 minute jog without a return of the left leg issue.   I thought about doing ab work afterward, but I've realized that I like doing it shortly before bed.  Unlike other workouts, it's not sleep disruptive; if anything, it seems to help me sleep more soundly.  A mere four minutes of discomfort followed by some stretching and yoga on a carpet*, all the while listening to music...it's a pretty soporific routine.

Edit: pushups: 12-13 per set, pike situps: 9-11 per set (man, that last set kills).  This sort of feels it could be a plateau, but there's only one way to find out for sure.

*Savasana is not only a legit yoga pose but the most important one, according to a few of my teachers.  It allows the body to integrate the work that was done and return to a calmer state.  Edit: the first point is neither here nor there because the second point predominates: final savasana = adult nap time.  Some teachers even distribute blankets and tuck students in!

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