Thursday, December 1, 2011


I did two routines today (and ran 3 miles). I cannot resist the intensity and relative brevity of a bodyrocking workout. 12 minutes of hard effort and a 8ish mile fast finish run deliver similar endorphin release, but the latter requires an additional hour, and Patience isn't my middle name. And 12 minutes is so easy to fit in when required. When my trip to the fish store results in buying a side of shrimp, which then beckon for batter and deep frying, which then inspires other possibilities because the hot oil is ready and waiting (feta balls, onion rings, and deep fried pickles cropped up in this case), all of which are then consumed, the quick and dirty kcal burning workout becomes VERY attractive.

There are bodyrock routines which are longer than 12 minutes, but I like 12 minutes because I've been using a particular CD and I have 12:22 or so of Raised by Snakes and Time Operator before the annoying Yoko Ono song starts. Although, tonight's workout to a repeated rendition of The song of the Volga boatmen sung by the Red Army Chorus worked surprisingly well. My least favourite rep coincided with a stirring crescendo each time.

As for my long run preparations: still sticking with the daily iron pill and clamshells. I have put on some weight which facilitates some activities (I pick things up and put them down!!) but I feel the difference while running: my core is more steeled against my limp noodle tendencies but a few things like IT bands feel a touch more vulnerable too.

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