Sunday, March 10, 2013

The perfect earworm

I've been on soundcloud a lot recently, mostly because there is this one song on there and nowhere else (it's still too new to go on sale apparently) and this song is just so suitable.  I've listened to it so much that a few lines of it have become implanted themselves internally, and it was to this perfect soundtrack that I ran much of a nearly two hour jaunt with my husband and the dog today.  Probably about 1 hour and forty minutes of that was running.  Not fast running, especially not on the hills, especially not on the sandy trail hills, but that doesn't matter. 

This was my longest run in a long time and it went really well.  Some of the hills were a push, and others convinced us to walk (especially a certain sandy trail near the end), but it was sunny and there was little traffic--an important consideration in a place with no sidewalks--and we didn't run too much out of steam even though the run stretched longer than expected and neither of us had brought anything to eat, just water.  It was a great run, and the short walk afterward was a wonderful bask through sunlight and that song. 

Saturday: 45 minute easy run/walk with the jog.  Basically, whenever my breathing started to get pushed, I walked.  I even walked through the triplet, which is a lot longer than I thought it was!  It goes by so quickly when we bomb through it.  Anyway, I think I need to be doing this sort of (quasi-cheat) easy run more often because I think it really set me up well for today's run.  I'm dealing with the same problem as in Kansas: there are no really easy recovery runs due to the hills and it seems that those are the most important runs for me.  However, the hills here are kinder and I can keep things more on an even keel with strategic walking.

Friday: about an hour of running on trails.  It was tough.

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