Thursday, August 2, 2012


And possibly more rain to come.

The infrequency of rain has hardened the dog's already formidable intolerance of sprinkles, and I didn't have the courage to tackle the hills outside on my own, so I ran in the discomfort of my own home.  I was fatigued as usual, but the air seemed better than normal, so I got the weekly tempo workout done: 5 X 6 min, with 1 min jogs in between.

70 minutes, 6.99 miles (okay, I walked to 7)...BUT my treadmill, the capricious flirt, wasn't content with wavering within a 0.4 mph spread as usual (just the displayed speed flits about and the belt speed stays constant, thank goodness), and the odometer dropped from 4.4X miles to 4.1X.  Just like that, a little electronic burp.   I was cheated more than usual.  I really ran 7.3ish miles.

Does it matter?  It's not like I'm actually going anywhere.  My displacement is actually zero.

I ordered a new type of protein/iron supplement.  Though I feel I've fully recovered because I have no more pain, I still felt more drained after slacking off the iron pills recently, and though I've been on my usual regimen for at least two weeks since, I'm still feeling a deficit.  So I decided to try something new.   It doesn't help that I usually feel drained in hot weather anyway.    But, shhhh, the temperature right now is actually below 30 C.  It's supposed to go up to 36 C, and the humidex is in the low 30s, but I might actually get to bike to work in 29 C (I'm still going to walk my bike up the steepest part until the humidex is at least below 30 C too).  And Sunday's high might only be

Mustn't jinx things too much!

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