Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 78

Well, my practical is done! Ended with a bang today...I can't really describe it except that I was so busy and so overwhelmed with all this new stuff I was learning that I lost count of how many times I went into some OR or other and didn't stop to look at whatever operation was taking place. LOL.

So, I was pretty mentally tired! But I had a good run today.

But to recap:

Thurs: ran for 30 min. Tired
Friday: off, just lots of walking
Saturday: ran for 30 min. Tired
Sunday: ran for 70 min. Tired
Monday: off. Very tired--I could have gone to bed at 7ish.
Tues: ran for 30 min. Very springy.

Yes, I was springy. My legs were FRESH. FRESH! I couldn't believe it. It was the same thing last Tuesday, anticipation for Wednesday's speedwork? But today they were especially fresh. My form was a bit different and a bit more improved too--I was working on the same thing I was before, but my footstrike seemed more efficient as well all of a sudden. But my legs were so springy! We ran pretty much 3.5 miles in 30 min and it was EASY. I'm highly encouraged.

I'm not sure what is going on...definitely, my digestive system is happier and my diet has become a lot healthier (fruit instead of wheat, mainly). Plus, the more I do full sit ups, the more important they seem. They target my front hip flexors a lot more than all the other exercises I've done. I'm up to 70 after runs now. Crunches really aren't the same. I still do exercises that target lateral muscles and so forth, but those sit ups are key. Wish I'd known sooner. I was told that, no, crunches are the same, full sit ups can hurt your back (and I have scoliosis so I really try not to strain my back), but as long as I put a folded up blanket or something under me, I'm fine.

Anyway, my practical is over and I guess I can run doubles until I get hired. No idea when that will happen--soon, fingers crossed!--but I can do temp work in the meantime. WIll see! We're going to Texas for a week in early May so no rush.

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