Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 71

I have been so lazy!
The long weekend was balmy. I did get a good chunk of yardwork done, but truthfully some of the hours spent lounging in the sun reading and nursing mojitos might have been spent in running. I guess I was tired from all the standing and walking I did that week.
Sat: jogged 40 min
Sun: jogged 30 min
Mon: off
Tues: ran 40 min--well, ran for 2ish and then jogged back. I was tired and was going to pass on the run, but then decided that I should give it a whirl after dinner. Right after dinner. Odd decision, no? Well, as it turned out, my legs were springs and I felt, for the first time, a really effective stability in my core--mainly, hip flexors and inner thighs being tighter, the rest of me being more aligned, etc. It's hard to explain but it felt really effective. I wasn't going at tempo pace quite, but I had to pick it up a bit to maximize this form thing. So I decided that I'd run to the bridge and concentrate on this new and improved form. First mile, 8:40ish, second mile 7:40ish, as far as I can tell. No Garmin, but I had my watch and I know where some points are. 7:40 is still slower than my old tempo pace--7:45 was my 1/2 marathon PB pace--but it's SO encouraging to see some 7s. I'm still enjoying mostly not fussing about pace, but it's gratifying to see improvement.

Somewhere near the end of my new form expo, I was beginning to feel kind of unsettled. Then I remembered my dinner, which probably hadn't made it all the way to my stomach then. It hung in the balance for a minute or two--once I got to the bridge, I walked for that minute or two until things seemed to be headed in the right direction. Yet this wasn't distressing. I was so happy to have found that new form!

Hopefully I haven't tired myself out too much for speedwork tomorrow. But tonight was the night to move. I really hope I recapture the form I had. I suspect that doing all those full sit ups is much of the reason. I've slipped on those recently, but I will do them and other resistance exercises tomorrow after speedwork. I was happy with 50 full sit ups, but now I'm contemplating getting bored further.

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