Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 33/thaw

Thurs: off, just walking
Fri: ran 40 minutes. Tired.
Sat: jogged for 45 minutes, recovery run. Slow but felt pretty good.
And then I ate chips with wheat in them. I knew that some brands/flavours have wheat in them, and this was a new one for me and yet I didn't read the label. Didn't think of it until my arms started to ache--it started with the shoulder that has been achy today, the one that until recently was just stiff or jammed, so I didn't really notice. And then the other shoulder and arm started to ache, and then my shins, and my neck, and then my fingers started getting itchy and swollen--I noticed that when my wedding ring suddenly got awfully constricting, and usually this ring is fairly loose--and my gut pain started coming back (which made me realize that, after a month off wheat, it had finally gone away, though not for long, lol)...and then I figured something was up.

I dug the empty chip bag out of the garbage and read that it had wheat in it.

I've since drunk a lot of green tea in an effort to flush it out of my system somehow. I'm not too worried at this point, it wasn't a lot of wheat. Hopefully I'll be fine tomorrow. It's just kind of disappointing, a stupid error on my part. We've been reading labels, tweaking recipes with various non-wheat flours; we even replaced baking soda and powder with gluten-free brands (yeah, I'd assumed that NaHCO3 was NaHCO3 no matter what, but I guess some of it gets contaminated at factories that also process wheat, or something...) Earlier today, I was remarking that my finger joints have finally gotten back to normal, and my toe joints are nearly so as well, and then I go and blow it. well, we'll see what tomorrow will be like. I hope to attempt a long run, hopefully 1.5 hrs.

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