Friday, August 21, 2009


Thursday, no run. Dragonboating instead. It was fun. Then we went out to eat at an Italian place. I was faithful to my gluten-free experiment and though garlic bread and pasta were ever so beguiling, I didn't find it too hard to abstain. Unfortunately, despite my inquiries about the house salad dressing, I might not have managed to completely avoid ground pepper. I didn't taste any, and didn't see any, but there still might have been a stray flake or two among the oregano and so forth, or maybe the oregano and so forth isn't kind either. I'm not really sure.

Except that this morning has been a somewhat violent gut day. I woke up, felt fine, then bam. Finally, things were secure enough to head out--I felt a bit nauseated, but the fresh air helped. Then it came time to run. My legs felt worse than they have all week, sore yet not quite connected with me. I jogged a half block, my breathing was heavy though I was just mildly shuffling along, and my innards started to protest. So I canned the run. We had an easy walk instead. The dog didn't seem to mind.

Hopefully I can get out this afternoon or evening, will see. We have company over for the weekend, but maybe I can duck out.

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