Saturday, August 22, 2009


I didn't run yesterday after all. Too busy.
Today, I managed to get out, albeit at the hottest part of the day. I'd hoped to do 2X 2 miles tempo, but I was tired and hot, so I just did 2 miles, 7:49, 7:52. Considering how crappy yesterday was, I'm happy with that. Five miles total. I'd hoped to have more miles under my belt this week, but between this gut thing and having guests, it just didn't happen.

I have now been on a gluten-free diet for 4's amazing how hard it is to avoid flour. I haven't felt much of a difference yet, but a full recovery apparently takes time. The biggest difference is that I seem to be sleeping better and my dreams are more vivid. The real test will be how I feel when I add wheat back to my diet. At any rate, it's been surprisingly easy not to be tempted by pastries and so forth--they're tasty, but I hate the symptoms and if all it takes to avoid feeling them is to avoid eating certain things, I can't complain.

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