Monday, August 3, 2009

I'm really back!

The wedding was fun, and it would take way too much space to fully describe it. Thank goodness my cousin had rented a bus to take us around.

I still got a run in up north, though, about 4.5 miles. We were staying near Moonbeam, where there is a fun network of trails, some paved, some nearly indistinguishable from the equally as impressive skidoo trail network. Those trails are really close to my heart. I was there when they were still working on the trails, umpteen years ago--I can't remember if I was into running then, if it was before that, or after that and I was too injured to run. At any rate, I biked all over the trails as they were being carved out, sometimes in soft rutted dirt with stacks of conifers laying to the side. It was pretty neat. I usually met the foreman somewhere or other each day, and he'd make recommendations and ask for input.

Unfortunately, I'd also met a bear on one of these trails once and I've been sort of jumpy ever since.

I've never met the alien mascot on the trails, though....

I was looking forward to running with my husband on the trails this weekend, but his shorts got mislaid. I was on my own.

I could have run for longer but after about a 1/2 hour alone in the forest, singing on the exhale to give those bears a heads up, I was tired of concentrating (and fretting). It was tempting to go further but I turned onto a road and stuck closer to civilization. A pity in a way, because that forest smells far better than any other I know of, a combo of pine and sumac and flowers, I guess. The smell alone is worth staying out for a while, plus the views are quite lovely. Some bits are kind of boring, but others are really pretty.

At any rate, we came back on Sunday and I ran 6ish miles. Just a jog. It was late in the evening, nice and cool and perfect for smashing bugs against my face.

Early this morning, I ran 7ish miles, an aborted tempo run. My legs were too stiff from short sleep a few nights in a row. I don't remember the last time I got more than six hours, what with all this travelling! I hope to sleep lots tonight. Still,I got through resistance exercises, and then this evening, I jogged 3.4 miles with my husband and the dog. That was fun and relaxing, and I think it did me good.

I have tons of real life things to sort out, like finding a new place for us, moving, unpacking, getting caught up with school and getting through exams, getting a new job (I might be postponing that until after the operation, but I might go the temp route, but I have to get through a chunk of school first because I'm so far behind....) I'm dreading all of it, to be honest, but it's sure nice to get back into a routine.

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