Friday, June 27, 2014

Some entomological confusion

I haven't run in the past few days; it's been just walking and weights.  Fortunately, the mysterious ankle issue seems to be going away.

Dog #1 and I jogged for an hour.  We're presently entertaining a difference of opinion in the forest.  He'd rather linger in the smellier parts, but these are also attractive to bugs, as am I, and more so than the dog himself (all hail human exocrine odour).  But I am sympathetic, and so I elected to linger too, as long as there weren't any wasps or bees or biting flies.  Other bugs, ok.

So I didn't react when I noticed a small moth-like creature on my hand.  Moths don't bite...but then this thing did.  I've since looked it up, and it was likely a deer fly: its patterned triangular wings do sort of resemble those of small moths.  Still, I am perplexed because I remember deer flies being larger and green-bodied.  Maybe there was some confusion with horse flies?  But these aren't green-bodied or as large as the bug I'm thinking of, which admittedly I did not actually see bite anyone.  I was told that this green fly was a deer fly when I was visiting a farm.   Yeah, I was just another ignorant city rube led astray, but I feel somewhat guilty for maligning a rather pretty fly for two or so decades.  I still don't know what species it is...the closest contenders seem to be in Europe or Australia.

After getting bitten on the hand and elsewhere, I returned home and did some squats and deadlifts, etc.  Leg day!

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