Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I've forgotten to mention the flowers: I've been enjoying a second dose of spring!  Coasting around in the scent of lilacs mostly.  Sometimes sweetgrass, occasionally a less distinctive and less replicable combo of wildflowers and weeds.

The Flowers of Bermuda.  The atmos isn't exactly applicable, but this is one of my favourite songs with one of my favourite titles, and rolling in flower smells usually reminds me of it. 

Today, I did most of the loop with the "new" connection to the river, apparently called the "Champagne O-Train Corridor Multi-Use Pathway," which is astonishingly suggestive, at least for those of us who readily revert to junior high sensibilities (I'm sorry: the "O-Train" still makes me giggle (Seriously screaming for a spoof)).

Anyway, I ran about 7.5 miles.  It was a bit discouraging at first because after the first few minutes with fresh legs, I got tired.  So soon?  And then I realized that I was no longer sore.  This is the first post-marathon run that hasn't been sore.  Success!

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