Saturday, March 22, 2014

Making use of cold days

I goofed up. I let a few nice and brisk mornings go to waste this week, and did the toughest run on the warmest morning.  16-21 C, and it was sort of humid too.  Why?

2 X 10 min tempo, 1 hr easy (ok, 50 minutes due to trail considerations), and another 10 min tempo, and then home.  My original plan was to do it all on roads.

Well, this morning was warmer than expected, I slept in longer than expected (I slept for 10.5 hrs!), and I have the dog all to myself this weekend.  He doesn't like tempo runs, and I thought about taking him on a little bullcrap run or walk beforehand and then ditching him, but those brown eyes pierced deep into my soul, etc.  Ok, little buddy, I'll rejig the route.  Easy decision, for I wasn't feeling the route with the big hills anyway.

The little hills were enough.  We walked up the first one just outside my house as a warm up (short and steep) and then started the first tempo portion.  Right away, I had an anchor at the end of the leash.  I wasn't feeling that pumped either.  I gave us a few words of encouragement and wondered why I was feeling so sluggy.  Well, after the steep hill, the incline flattens a bit but still continues, and I always forget this.  I swear, every time, it's like "wah wah, frig, why is this so hard?"  We're still going uphill.  Ohhhh.

I decided that as long as I was doing 8 min/mile for tempo, I'd be happy, especially considering that my 'road-running' here still involves a decent portion on sand and pine needles, and sometimes ditch.  Some cars pull aside for me, but I can't trust them because, one of these days, some jackoff on his phone going 45-55 mph (assuming he or she is not speeding!) is just not going to see me.  So, spongy footing and increasing crankiness.  Moving here was making the best of a sort of undesirable situation, and it really is a lovely region, but I'm done and summer still hasn't started!

--oh, wait, gotta google--the dog and I are presently eating dried mangos.  ok, they're fine for dogs.  Phew!   It's surprising what can be harmful for dogs, including chocolate, onions, and raisins.---

Anyway, I may have been more peeved than usual this morning partly because my abs hurt.  Not my guts, my abs.  Usually my quads and right shoulder tire before my abs.  And then I admitted that I haven't been doing ab work much (gotta be 3X week from now on).  Plus, I was holding the dog leash in one hand and a water bottle in the other...I'm used to this, but not for tempo runs.

My tempo portions were 1.27 and 1.24 miles.  eh, sagged on the second, too much turf, whatever.

But I was oddly torched.  I didn't hurt, and I didn't feel like I'd pushed myself too much, and my breathing went down pretty quickly, but I was barely moving during the jog afterward.  My legs didn't feel too bad, but they weren't moving.  The dog was doing fine by this point, but I was feeling weird.  And then I tasted a bit of bile.  I am generally not motivated enough to run until I puke, but maybe I was having some acid reflux; that could account for the sore 'abs' earlier.  Anyway, we ducked into the forest and jogged around on trails for a while,  I recovered, and then we hit the top of a hill after about 50 minutes.  What's ten minutes less for a great place to start the tempo portion?

But the workout said an hour!  But I knew I had almost a mile of nice, mostly downhill trail ahead of me before things got rooty/hilly/soggy, and I didn't feel like pushing over that--so, let's go!  The sand was thick at first, but soon we got to my 2nd favourite stretch of trail in the forest, and it didn't run out until about 8 minutes, leaving me with just a minute or two of junky footing.  1.16 miles.  Then we jogged home (total 10 miles) and I did resistance exercises.

I like appreciate these combo tempo/semi-long runs.  Tempo effort, or at least elevated heart rate, is prolonged somewhat, plus the easy portion in between isn't exactly easy: it's a good chance to practice moving tired legs.   I guess it went ok, but I should have stuck to the roads more.  I wish there was a magic hour for no cars whatsoever so I don't have to keep moving sideways on and off the road and get progressively more p!ssy over this--but I have to stay positive!  Maybe all that lateral motion is shredding my core!

At any rate, the nice cool days are waning, and I must make better use of them.

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