Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I outran the wi-fi

60 min run on the TM this evening, to the accompaniment of the 2012 NYC half...yeah, I rewatch old races.  I take what I can get*, and since my memory is somewhat what?!?, old races are conveniently refreshed.  I'd forgotten how exciting the 2012 NYC half was.  It was a sizzling finish for the men as well as for the women, and Deriba Merga was in it--I'm not sure what he's been up to recently, but he's an exciting competitor.

Anyway, I felt amazing tonight. It was one of those loose and effortless runs that keeps me coming back for more.  Originally, I was going to do a tempo run, but I felt so crappy last week, I decided to do just whatever came out (and I forgot I was going to do tempo on Monday this week...oops).  However, I was at my summer tempo pace, albeit on a treadmill in a cold garage.  It was wonderful and a nice confidence builder after last week's crapavaganza. The only hitch was when the Wi-Fi choked after about 40 minutes.  I didn't want to take any breaks, so I reached out and jabbed my laptop (the setup is awkward for mid-run clicking, and I have to keep my other hand on the treadmill console so that I don't lose my balance).  Eventually, I got the picture back, but no sound!  I didn't think that was even possible.  Clearly, the internet here isn't an all-or-nothing response.

Still, I had such a great time that I think it could sustain me through two weeks of suckage or whatever.  I might forget again how the race ends, but I have to lock this glorious feeling of rejuvenation in the memory bank.

*(reminder: check universal sports to see if last year's Berlin Marathon is free to watch yet)

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