Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Roadtrip this past weekend!  We left a house with flickering power to catch some fish and sun further South.  And we got a few runs too, mostly half hour jogs and one tempo.   Unfortunately, I got a cold.  Fortunately, we also got a bunch of fresh citrus fruits.

I didn't feel like running this morning, especially not hills sprints, but sometimes it's worth trying things out.  Sometimes there's more energy than expected (and sometimes too much is withdrawn).  Not today, though.  I'm feeling rough.  The first rep was ok, but there was no ping, no burn.  The main point of hill sprints, as far as I understand it, is the ping and burn, the acute engagement of as much muscle fibre as possible.  This supposedly improves neuromuscular connection.  Today, however, my muscles were upholding Less is More, allowing only a stingy output as though settling in for a long entrenchment.  Maybe I could've still gotten a decent workout, but it wouldn't have been what I was after.  There's still time this week, as long as I shake this cold. 

Actually, I might feel like a tempo run later on, heap on a bit too much clothing, hop on the treadmill, and sweat the virus out.  Sometimes that feels really good.

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