Friday, August 30, 2013


I was going to do yardwork, but it was 32 or whatever again.  But it looks like there will be at least a couple of highs below 30 C next week!!!

So, I did shoulders this evening in the rather hot garage.  The sauna experience was fortunately pleasing this time.  A good sweat, and a good zone for clean and press.  Getting used to the hook grip is beginning to pay off.  It's amazing how much depends on hand position.  And I'm always astounded to rediscover the sweat glands in my shins.

At the end, I did some reps of just cleans with my previous max, which I was using for front squats--it's gotten easier already.  I'm looking forward to making my front squats more painful and thus more meaningful, but I have to take my time building up.  And I got to sort out breathing a bit more.  Still, the sensation of umpteen pounds floating upward is irresistible.  Something like this.  That transition where the minor melds into the major, about 6 seconds in (and repeated during the rest of the track*).  That's the best way I can explain it.  It's addictive.  How can lifting more than half of my bodyweight to shoulder height feel like nothing?  Occasionally, it feels as though I'm the one weighing the bar down.  Like it would escape into the clouds if I didn't pull it back down.

And how about running?  ehhhhh

* found on a Trancestatic mix.  Highly recommend this DJ's mixes if uplifting trance is your thing.

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