Friday, September 21, 2012

Tempo Thursday and Special Friday

After the long run on Tuesday (not Wednesday), I was kind of drained.

Wed: nothing

Thurs: impromptu 2.5 mile tempo run.  I wasn't going to do anything, but then I started feeling the need for something...I didn't have a lot of time before work by that point, so I went on the TM and straight into the tempo run.  It worked out much better than expected.  Somehow, I loosened up quickly and got into a good groove, which continued all the way through work too.   My mood and energy levels were brilliant.  Who'd have guessed that rushing through a short run and then in and out of the shower and to work would be so invigorating?  I will be tapping into those neurotransmitters more often.

Fri: The 8.whatever mile hill loop.  At first, I felt unaccustomedly nervous about this run, and then I remembered the extra-six-mile issue last time: not today!  I checked my key a few times during the run, mostly pointlessly, but I took extra care at the summit to make sure that the key came down with us.   Otherwise, the run was uneventful.

Once again, I didn't have much time at home before heading over to work because it was Special Friday!!  all surgeries were cancelled for various reasons, and I got permission to start and leave early.  I've been at home for two hours and it's still light out!!  It was pretty trippy walking back in the sunlight; it felt like a summer afternoon/evening in a different town.  On the way home, I talked with a couple of people on the street who apparently see me going past on my bike in the afternoon and thus were wondering what was up today; I also got to explain Special Friday to some people at work.  (It's not really called Special Friday, btw, just in my world.)

Still pumped!  I just ate some gluten-free mac & cheese, and now I'm going to try making gluten-free doughnuts.  It's been a long time since I've had doughnuts.  Years.

1 comment:

Fran said...

How did the GF doughnuts turn out?