Saturday, September 8, 2012

Buffalo Bill Days

 While wandering about the fair, I ate a gluten-free Frito pie for lunch.   I earned it: the dog and I ran the hilly 8ish mile loop this morning.

I slept in for various reasons.  I knew that the weather would be milder this weekend, and my biphasic sleep schedule has changed   Recent gluten/digestive issues have made me pretty tired and sleepy in general and I have been sleeping in every day.  Admittedly, I have also been napping most days.

Anyway, we got rolling about 10:30 am, and the temperature was still below 20 C!  I can't remember the last time I ran in the teens.  This probably was the main cause of a minor improvement.

This is the route, roughly (start/end point is different):
Click on Show Elevation

I've run this loop often enough to recognize its stages.  After the first bit (downhill, a warm up), there is a series of 4 hills, followed by a downhill portion and the flat stretch of the run.  Then, there is another series of several more hills of more prominence, then a downhill 'pinch' leading to the big climb of about a mile.  Then, a coast downhill, followed a portion which is flattened in comparison but still contains a few more hills.

Whenever I've run this route before, my level of effort departed the easy range during the first series of hills, usually during the very first hill.  And the downhills are not long enough for things to settle back down.

Today, however, I felt more strength and efficiency--I felt a drive from the hip flexors and glutes, and a stronger core--and I was able to get through the first series of hills while maintaining an easy level of effort.   The lower temperature certainly helped a lot, as have all the exercises I've been doing, and I've noticed as well that, since my treadmill is at a 1 % grade, slight inclines have also become relaxing recently.  As well, I think I've lost about 5 pounds so far since losing my appetite (but it's slowly coming back).   Anyway, today's run was the largest improvement in running hills since I started running here.  To get over those first four hills and feel the same as when I started was remarkable.

The next series of hills, however, asked a bit more of me!

Still, I felt like I was in pretty good shape.  As we neared the pinch, the dog started making signs to poop.  There was a trash can a couple of minutes ahead; I urged him forward, and we made it.  After a few minutes of al fresco defecation (canine only), we tackled the big hill.  The short break was long enough for my legs to stiffen up and at first I worried about a potential gruesome slog to the top, but I calmed my nerves and concentrated on keeping my steps short and quick.

The big hill has stages too.  I try to relax during the first third, and then effort intensifies and I aim for a point which I think is 2/3 up, but roughly 1/2 in energy expenditure, and then I undergo the final push and smaller and smaller fractions, going from light post to light post by the end.  However, it was a lot easier this time.  Whenever I felt tired, I reminded myself to keep my steps quick and short, and this led me to hidden reserves of energy and fresh sets of muscle fibre.   I can't say that it was a mild stroll, but it was definitely easier to avoid slowing down too much.

Unfortunately, when I got to the top, I stopped, and this sudden change of exertion tripped a bit of SVT, but carotid massage did the trick after only a couple of seconds and I resumed running without  further issues.  I know I shouldn't stop or turn suddenly, especially after pushing hard, but post-op episodes have become so mild and infrequent that I forget!

We coasted down and home.  By the end, it was getting a bit hot for the dog.  I hope to wake up earlier tomorrow so that we can have a longer run.   Meanwhile, I'm hoping to carb load a bit tonight.  This past week, I've been eating fruit (lots of fruit), Lara bars, and a lentil-mung bean-corn noodle mixture that was supposed to be part of a tuna casserole (which never blossomed fully because I couldn't stay up long enough at home to cook it at first, and then I gave up).  And I've been taking the usual protein/iron supplements.  For a while, I just wasn't hungry, and then I started feeling hunger pangs that begged for popcorn.  I overindulged the first time and paid for it, but things are getting better.  Yesterday I had what seemed to be cheese cravings, but not much tolerance for eating actual cheese!   However, some steamed edamame went down nicely.  And I was really surprised and happy to eat 2/3 of the Frito pie I bought today.  It was made of Frito chips (they were gluten-free!), meat sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese.  So far, only very mild discomfort.

Unfortunately, my Garmin doesn't seem to want to recharge, so we might end up aiming for a certain time, not distance.

Edit: soft reset: lap + mode at the same time, then power.  It worked!

Oh, yeah, I did zwow #12 yesterday.  That makes 3 for the week!

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