Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hibernating until the ideal fall

I overdrew my energy account, ate less judiciously than I should've, got slammed at work, etc, etc, and, man, I am wiped.  but recovering.

Monday-Tuesday, nothing except biking to/from work and work.  Fortunately, the dog was wiped too and didn't mind missing a couple of days' of walks.

Wednesday, just a walk and zwow 12 with a couple of additional exercises thrown in, and work/biking.

Today, we got another 'cool' snap.  I slept in until 9:15--my sleep schedule has become out of whack recently and I can't get to sleep before 2:30ish--had a protein drink and grabbed the dog and headed out.  It was only 12 C!!!! with dark heavy clouds.

Would we do the full 8ish mile big hill loop, or a shorter one?  The dog decided by pooping in yet another inconvenient spot, and I knew that the closest trash can was on Limit, and once we got there, it was simple to keep going until 20th, and then an even simpler matter to head back home.

The first series of hills was a bit uncomfortable, mainly because I was holding a bag of dog poop for most of it and this threw my form askew, but once I ditched that, the second series of hills was almost easier in comparison.  I was pretty tired when I got to the big hill, but the darkening clouds and newly strengthened wind and a faint whiff of O3 were powerful incentives to keep moving up.

I didn't stop at the top this time--I felt the first drop of rain near the summit, and then many others followed, and I coasted down and kept pushing.  I found a new reserve of energy at the bottom and the last part of the run flew by.

And now I'm eating chill!  Another victory; it's been in the fridge for over a week, but I couldn't stomach it until today.  Eating has still a bit iffy, although I've been able to eat all the fruits I want, and a rice, mung bean, and lentils almost every day, and cheese most days.   And I went through a couple of days of snacking on work chips (salt and vinegar, my best friend!) but this hasn't had the best effect, so I stopped.  Recently, I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, a documentary about two men who turned their health around by going on a juice fast.  This inspired me, not to go on a juice fast, but to put greens into "evening" smoothies, to compliment the fruit smoothies I have in the morning.  Vegetables have not been appealing at all, but since the 'veg' smoothies still have a good portion of fruit, they don't turn me off.  I bought a bunch of kale, chard, and spinach.  It's been an adjustment.


Fran said...

Your dog poop stories slay me!!

Fran said...

Your dog poop stories slay me!!