Wednesday, September 19, 2012

long run

Long-ish impromptu run.

The dog and I ran the 8 mile big hill loop, got good and tired and got home and discovered that the house key didn't make it as well.  My pouch was zippered tightly and there were no holes.  The only place the key could be was where I took my gel.

Unfortunately, when I was nearing the summit of the large hill, the thought that I should keep going and take my gel at the bottom remained just a thought.  My gel, and my key, were withdrawn on the top.

This was three miles away.  I had time.  The weather was cool (16C?) and the dog was game.   I was tired, but adrenaline kicked in.  I was a bit nervous about ascending the closer side of the hill because it's a bit longer and higher in prominence from the closer side, and so I have always gone up the farther side, but the closer side actually felt easier.  I wasn't worn out by the 2nd series of hills before it.  Likely, the adrenaline helped most of all!

I tend to generate a good bit of adrenaline, and sometimes it's a bit hard to come down.

I didn't have too much time to eat--showering seemed more important--and I got to work still wired, but starting to get really, really tired.  It was kind of uncomfortable.  I felt like I should keep moving, and I was moving, but not fast enough.  And yet too fast.   I needed to either be charging back up that hill, or sleeping.  No happy medium at all.

Total, 14.5ish, I think, miles.  A tough run.  But it gives me the confidence to consider doing a 2 loop, 16 mile run one day.  I'm getting to know the hills.  I like to compare them to other hills I know. The last hill before the big hill is almost exactly the same length and elevation change as Somerset, Preston to Bell.  Kind of neat.   I can imagine that I'm heading up to Kowloon Market or Sushi 88 or Bubblicity, or other delicious places.

Tomorrow, the dog and I aren't going to do much before I go to work.   We have a patio, some sun (high of 30C) and a ball of fresh mozzarella waiting for us.  Of course the dog likes cheese too!

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