Wednesday, September 5, 2012

a sign

The local private Catholic high school has a native American as a mascot: a "raider".  I've seen plenty of signs with just the school name, but today was the first time I'd seen one with the raider, or at least noticed it.

But that's not the sign I'm talking about!

While feeling rather low yesterday, I drank lots of water, ate lots of fruit, slept as much as possible, worked s l o w l y at work (there was less than normal to do), and I woke up today and forced myself to roll onto and over the other side of the bed.  The dog caught my drift and put the heat on: go go go let's go.  We went, a mixture of jogging downhill and walking uphill, for a bit over five miles.   Originally, I was going to do the old three mile loop, but I forgot the first right turn again, and by that point it was easiest to keep running because of a tantalizing shady flat area with a creek up ahead.  This is one of the few flat areas in town and the longest one I know of, maybe 1/4 mile, and it's amazing to run on, especially after four or five rolling hills.   All of a sudden, things feel very familiar and soft, like I'm running indoors.

The temps were in the mid 20s C and sticky, but I figured that the recent storm had freshened and filled the creeks, and I was right.  The dog was running out of steam by the end, but I don't think he has any complaints.

And then I did zwow 32 and I really like this one.  Albeit, I used light weights because I am still sort of sore, especially my hamstrings (I felt them on the run and decided that doing #12 with a bunch of pistol squats wouldn't be wise), but it felt good to increase blood flow.  And I didn't do the broad jumps justice because of constrained space.  next time! and there will be a next time because this is a workout that speaks to me.   There are other types of workouts, of course:

No, never again in a million years.  (dance aerobics.  I was so bad that I probably ruined it permanently for others too, at least those who had the misfortune of being next to me)
I should do this again because it feels so bad and therefore it must be especially beneficial, but I don't ever do it again in a million years.
I should do this again because it feels so bad, etc, and I do, once or twice, and it still feels hard and stupid, so I give it up.
I should do this again because it feels so bad, etc, but it grows on me more and more and I end up doing it often (like zwow #12)
Sure, I'll do this again because it's dull but not so bad, and after a few times, it's too boring.
Sure, I'll do this again.  A few times, now and then.

And finally, I really really like this.  It's hard but suits me.  This is how I move!  I do it often (zwow #5 and now #32).

And the sign?  Z mentioned at the start of the workout that there would be a bonus exercise at the end.  I finished the workout but not the video, and I showered, ate, etc, and finally remembered that there was more to watch.  By this time I'd forgotten about the bonus exercise and figured that I was going to get another post-workout pep talk.   I watched her run down a street and up some stairs to what I presume is her apartment.

The bonus exercise is a 1 mile run.

She said, go outside and run because it's beautiful.  Or some adjective.  I forget exactly.


The temps are s l o w l y shifting to Fall, and the sunshine is becoming more beautiful, and less cruel.

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