Saturday, September 1, 2012

tearing up inside

This past week has been kind of rough internally, but in a totally physical and not emotional way.   I've had a few gluten mishaps recently that eventually messed up my guts.  I did too hard of an ab workout and tore too much muscle fibre further up my midsection, and recovery was slow because of the gluten issue.  And the air got bad again and started to rub my lungs raw.  Basically, my torso was wrecked by Wednesday and I haven't run since.

The only solution when I get to this point is lots of water and lots of rest.  Nutrient supplements help because very little of what I eat seems to get absorbed, but mainly I try to rest and flush my system.   I still went to work but otherwise I mostly slept for a few days.

And miraculously, on Friday, I actually woke up quickly and felt refreshed.  I can't remember the last time, if ever, that has happened in this house.  Usually it takes slipping on the steps going downstairs to get me to wake up completely.  Maybe not coincidentally, Isaac was in town!  Rain!  real rain!  two days of rain!!!  The highs will go back above 30C tomorrow, but we've had a reprieve.  Never has a rainy long weekend been so warmly welcomed.  Everyone I've talked to has been grateful for the rain.

I might attempt a run tomorrow.

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