Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 8

Yay, four more days and then I can eat cheese again. Now that sugar cravings have mostly subsided, I'm now experiencing cheese cravings.

It's probably good I'm not having dairy now, though: it apparently stimulates phlegm production, and I have plenty of phlegm already. I have a full-fledged buying-Kleenex-stocks cold and I'm determined to not let it become another chest cold.

I was invited to run at 5:30 am with my husband and some of his colleagues, but, eh, I slept in and ran a couple of miles this evening on the TM. Where has it been all my life? I am really enjoying having it, even though I don't particularly enjoy running on a TM--although I am relishing the easy jogs. However, the convenience is unparalleled. No need to check the weather, deliberate between different layers, etc...the house is shirt and t-shirt weather all the time. Another few minutes of weights and stretches, a quick hop in the shower, and the whole thing takes just 30 min or so. Amazing. I think it usually takes me at least five minutes to get out of the door, and then when I'm back in, there's this and that to be picked up, or whatever, which adds up to another ten minutes.

I haven't yet attempted a run longer than 2.5ish miles on this TM. I cannot forget its origins, abandoned in an unfinished attic, encrusted with dust and dead flies...I worry that, if I don't break it in gently, I'll eventually smell burning plastic, and then there will be no more convenience.


Fran said...

Another cold, ack! Poor you!

cs said...

The weird thing is that I got the last cold at around the same point of the herbal detox, when I switched from stage 1 to stage 2. Bad stage 2!

Anyway, this cold is much milder and it feels like it's going away after only 2 days.