Monday, February 13, 2012

breaking the snow

We got out shortly before 5:45 into a mini-blizzard. I decided to run west on the roads and we had a very enjoyable run. We ran on fresh snow; we beat the plows but not some drivers and numerous wild things; it's funny how the roads seem far less empty when I see the tracks of others who have passed by.

And then it came time to turn around. I hadn't realized there was wind until then. The snow turned into painful little pellets. At one point, I missed seeing a dead end sign and we didn't realize what was up until we got close to it; I paused to get a better look (did it really end?) and my dog dumped a steaming pile of ____ then and there, in the middle of the road. He couldn't have voiced my mood at the time more emphatically.

4 miles. The snow made the hills extra-tiring. Then I got to shovel snow because the movers are supposed to be coming this morning. The earliest time of arrival was 8 am so I shovelled around 7:30...actually, I swept until a nice neighbour lent me his shovel. We're getting to know the people living around us which is nice. It's looking like I'll have to go out and sweep again.

I guess our stuff wanted to stay in Ottawa: it was about -25 the day it was packed up, and now we get our first Leavenworth snow the day it's delivered.

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