Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No doze day 3

This was tougher mentally than physically.

I went to bed sometime after 12:20 and seemed to take a while to fall asleep (I don't look at my watch when I'm grasping for sleep because this stokes anxiety).  I awoke at 5:40.  Admittedly, my husband was snoring, but correlation does not imply causation!

5:40 seemed way too early.  Perhaps I should not look at my watch when I wake up this early.  I had a few moments of indecision, during which the doze monster pulled my eyelids shut and my limbs deeper into the mattress.  Don't get up!  What is there to do at 5:40?  Stay and writhe in that unsatisfactory grey zone for a couple hours and then spend a few more hours feeling like a shitty zombie!

I got up and turns out there is stuff to do at 5:40: install application updates en route to burning a 2nd copy of Eno's Music for Airports, which seemed like the perfect music to accompany a run at dawn, but my copy is at work (and, incidentally, it does not sound like music from 1974).  Anyway, the updates were slow to load and 6:00 am was marching into view, and I grabbed something else and hopped on the TM at about 6:01.

It would have been wonderful weather for my dog, but his paw is not quite--but almost--healed, and I figure we'll test it on Friday and then take him on trails for a longer run on Sunday.  It's a shame for him, but good timing for me because running on the treadmill suits me these days.  What I need to get from running these days is something which the hills here cannot provide: relaxation.

I didn't warm up, I just cranked it up and joggled it until I found a good speed.  Usually, when I run on the treadmill for a longer run, I break it down into 20 minute sections for water/mental breaks, but I was still shaking off the fronds of sleep and the prospect of starting and then stopping when completely finished was more suitable somehow.  Unfortunately, my CD hit a glitch at about 17:45; I fixed it and drank some water and then hopped back on for the longer haul.

Another thing I do when I run on the treadmill is fractions.  For example, for the usual 20 minute segment, 10 minutes is 1/2, 12 minutes is 3/5, and so forth.  I've never done fractions for 60 minutes before and it was a nice distraction.  I also tried to think of form, but though things generally felt comfortable, albeit slightly like an out of body experience at first, I didn't feel as efficient as I would've liked until about 37 minutes in.  I enjoyed several moments of ease and then I hit a bit of a mental block coming up to 40 minutes.  I felt so tired!

I always forget the trick of speeding up when tired: there is more than one type of fatigue and sometimes rising into the next gear works.  It did work this time.

4.75 miles in 1 hr.  Woohoo!  The treadmill's wonky calibration is actually growing on me for the same reason that I run in miles and not km: less of them!  Doing 4.75 instead of 6.5 is easier.  I walked until 5 miles as a cool down.  5 miles!  Woooooo!

clamshells and shoulder exercises afterward.  Yesterday, my nap was so-so but maybe today's will be more solid.


Fran said...

I ran at 6am this morning, too! I ran by your house and stole some lilacs, j/k. Do you even have lilacs in KS? How about mail carriers? Our package should be there already...

cs said...

Cosmic running! We had lilacs here, but they're long gone. But there are still letter carriers.