Saturday, June 9, 2012

Army birthday 1/2 marathon TODAY!!

Good thing I didn't sign up already because I was also working today, starting was bound to happen because my shift usually ends so close to tomorrow.

It was a tempting race, and still is.

PROS: close.  cheap.  Sort of scenic, I suppose.
CONS: hilly.  hot.   early in the morning, or at least early for me.  And I feel like crap.    Actually, right now, at this very moment, I feel awesome, but that's just from being wired because I got a second wind when I found out I'd be staying late.  Once I start my glass of port, the fatigue will return.

My biphasic sleep schedule went out of the window on our trip and I have not regained it yet, and I've been staying up kind of late and still getting up kind of early, but ineffectively dozing an extra hour or two, and missing my naps entirely.  Quality sleep has been lacking this week and running has gone out the window.   I haven't run at all, I think.

But that could be considered a pronounced taper and, until about 9:00 pm or so today, I still pondered the possibility of doing the race.  Sometimes I can leave work an hour early, which might give me enough time to sleep, and thus I was pushing through stuff quickly while trying to decide whether to do the race, or not, and after six hours of such deliberation, the hospital decided for me.

So, I will enjoy this glass of port and stay up however late I want, sleep in however late I want, maybe go to the farmers' market tomorrow morning if I get up early enough, or maybe I'll jog on the treadmill, or do both, or neither.   Definitely, I will spend a relaxing half hour watching my koi eat breakfast.

Next week, I'll be stricter with myself.

1 comment:

redcatdance said...

You have a koi pond and I have a community garden. Awesome. You may be interested to know I am growing the Areni Jumbo Banana Squash. I do believe they are trying to germinate THIS VERY MOMENT, as are my Cosmonaut Volkov tomatoes, direct-seeded into the ground. Crazy, I know. But all this "trying to fit in" in my new Community has me a bit batty.

What work do you do at the hospital??