Wednesday, June 27, 2012

haze heat

Yesterday, 1.5 miles with the dog.  Hot.  Quickly devolved into walking.
Today, a short walk with the dog and zwow#23 although I did duration and not reps.  50 burpees X 2?!        I can do about 7-8 burpees in the time it takes Zuzana to do 10, and I was happy with that.

I'm feeling very lethargic these days, and I guess it's due to the heat and/or contrast with A/C.  I'm not sick, I shouldn't be sleep deprived, I'm not working out a lot, and I actually feel like I've adjusted to the physical demands at work (that sounds sketchy!)  Sleep has been great, just not enough...I've been sleeping in a bit more, but still no dozing.  Some more crazy dreams too. The night before last, I dreamt that they'd turned Napoleon's tomb into apartments, and I lived in one, and my mother had invited herself and a bunch of nutty birders over and I was trying to get them out politely because I had urgent business elsewhere (this was psychologically exhausting for a dream); last night, I dreamt that I was trying to get a refund on plane tickets. The prosaic nature of the latter is both odd and reassuring because I've had mostly messed up dreams in this house.

Maybe I'm sleeping more because I have to dream all of this stuff out of my system.

And running?  Well, there's tomorrow.  Hopefully I'll get up early enough to TM and open some windows in this house.  It's almost 29C and just 9:30ish; today's looking like a bitch.  The high is supposed to be 38C.   I think I will walk my bike uphill!

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