Saturday, November 20, 2010

long run!

I was voluteering for a race and got up a bit later than planned. But I still wanted to run with the dog before. instead of the planned workout, running 20 minutes, walking 5, and running 10, I decided to run for 25 minutes straight. Running 30 minutes straight, which I will do next weekend or soon after, is a little intimidating stepping up from 20 minutes. 25 minutes, not so much.

And a wonderful thing happened: I jogged. I was able to jog. I figure it was about 9 minutes/mile. I didn't consciously slow down, I just kept thinking, oh, 25 minutes, that's going to be hard, not sure how it'll go, etc, and my body retrenched and picked that ideal pace I've been missing this past while.

So, see, pessimism works sometimes!!

And, actually, I lost track of time and jogged for 27:16 and I could have kept going.

It feels good to be looking forward to that 30 minute run instead of wondering if I could actually manage it. I just have to scare myself beforehand.

It'll be interesting to see if I'll go back to my usual pace.

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