Monday, November 8, 2010

? fruit smoothie

I had another wheat mishap this weekend; it was a culmination of a few errors. We went to the wine and food show and I asked the vendors about wheat but I didn't think to ask if there was wheat in cheese. Beer-washed. And then there was a bit of a wafer in a chocolate...but I felt fine until yesterday, when I ate some already tried-and-true rice crackers. They now 'possibly contain wheat'; they definitely contain wheat. Why do rice cracker manufacturers do this? Do they not realize that some people eat them because regular crackers have wheat? This is the second brand that has turned on me. I fell asleep for an hour soon after eating the crackers, felt groggy for the rest of the evening, and now I have the usual aches. I guess I'll find out if I have the mind fog too: my organic chemistry final exam is tonight. timing bad!

Anyway, I wanted to run.
3X 10 minutes again. I was too sore to try to find that comfortable pace again and I started off too fast, I think, but it went better than I'd expected. Tomorrow, I'll do the same thing, and then a rest day. My first 10 minute interval was just a week ago, and now I'm doing three of them in a row...very promising!

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