Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Missing the chill

Ah, I haven't forgotten yesterday's pledge...but I haven't properly mourned decent weather yet.  Honestly, I let too much of it go to waste this year, but this place just doesn't pump me up.

Except my garage, oh, yeah.  I did a twenty minute tempo run/detox on the treadmill this morning when it was only 23 or whatever, ha--I'm used to dripping on the treadmill, but when sweat splashes onto the monitor of this poor laptop while I'm watching my "stories"...man...I feel subhuman, as though I'm regressing to an aquatic ancestor.  I do have, and wear, one of those retro terry-cloth headbands, and even that fails me sometimes. 

But now I have chalk!  Oh, yeah!  Have I written about this already?  I went into REI or some store like that, and they had "climbing chalk".  I don't climb even socially but I have sweaty hands too.   I don't know if climbing chalk is the same thing as lifting chalk, but it does the trick with the weights.  My hands aren't snagging on the bar.   My output on the treadmill, however, is beyond control...whatever.

It's summer now; it's time to trip over umpteen roots and lift umpteen weights.  Yeah, I'm still tapering for the marathon in 10ish days, but with an eye to the future!

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