Monday, May 12, 2014


Pretending it's not happening

I promise to not talk about the heat until summer ends, which is like November here, unless it happens during an actual race.  One week or so of 30+ highs, and I'm so wiped I can't even complain about it.

So, blah, blah, whine whine whine, oh, it's so freaking hot here I'm sweating crystals because I have no moisture left, what did I do in a past life to be stuck down here, is there a God and does he or she hate me this much and why, oh, boo-hoo, I can't possibly strip down any further without getting arrested, my head hurts, am I dying, fuck this shit, I can't even walk or bike without looking like I stole something, is this antiperspirant just a rumour, wah, wah, I feel funny, etc.

THAT'S IT!  Six months of weather ranting--over.   Life isn't that bad, just hot.   One more summer, one more year, and then we'll be moving again, hopefully to some place with less of my least favourite season. 

Meanwhile, I'm training the new dog and still trying to let #1 get his smells and action, so I'm walking 2-3 hours a day on average.  I can't walk them together until the new dog is better trained.   I could run with #1, and should, but it's hot and I'm letting my Achilles tendon heal.  Therefore, no trails, no shoulder of the road.  TM or asphalt or zilch, and it's mainly been the latter!  I tried to do a long run on the TM yesterday, but I called it quits after 30 minutes.  

At least I'm catching up on sleep.  And I have less than two weeks left of pretending to be a long-distance runner.  Once the marathon is over, I'll focus more on weights.  To prep for this, I've been doing a May squat challenge with a couple of friends from uni.

I also plan to wake up earlier.  Actually, I do have to wake up somewhat early because the puppy has a small bladder...I just need to stay up and get myself and the other dog out.  This is not an easy proposition because he likes to sleep in too, but it's time for the two of us to embrace the magic early hour.  Time to chomp down those promised worms!

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