Thursday, November 14, 2013

Cold front


A lovely -5 C this morning, and then I jogged 8 miles back from an exam in a still decent 11 C and I'm feeling pretty relaxed...I love this weather.  I've been waiting for it for months.  The only drawback is that everybody's bundled up, even indoors, and while I was writing my exam, I could smell cigarette smoke on people's jackets.  For three hours.   Worth it.

But this is a cold front, and not normal temps, and we're going to swing toward the opposite extreme just in time for the weekend, yay!  When I'm supposed to jog/walk 50 miles! Yippee!  At least the previously rumoured forecast of a high of 80 F doesn't look likely, but, man, cut me some slack!  What's wrong with this nice refreshing high of 11 or 12 C or whatever?  So far, it's looking like the low will be that, if I'm lucky.

{remove obscene warm weather in late November rant}

Whatever.  Really, Dixie, is this the best you got?  You pulled this shit when I ran the OBX marathon several years ago (that was the first time I saw another runner pass out, I think), but I got through it.

Even better, I have to start at the ridiculous hour of 5 am (I'm kind of bitter about that because, when I signed up, the start time was listed as 9 am), so I should be mostly almost comfortable for the first few hours, as long as it's not so humid that I stop sweating, and then hopefully I will stay in the endorphin funzone until I get sick/bored of running and/or injured and then, heck yeah, I'll have a walk in the tropics.  Seriously easy going.  Which is exactly the attitude I need for this thing because I've never actually done 50 miles before.  My last attempt was a DNF.


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