Saturday, December 22, 2012


Yesterday, I had the first true recovery jog I've had in a long while.  The terrain in Kansas was too hilly (yes, not all of Kansas is flat) for a consistently easy jog; I'd thought that I was achieving the proper slacker effort on the treadmill, but yesterday proved me wrong.  We were both tired and lethargic, but we figured that a short 2ish mile run on dirt would help loosen things up and flush things out.

It did.  It felt AMAZING.   The effect of a true recovery jog is somewhat hard to explain, but picture a running pace that is so easy, that walking is more difficult.  A bit of momentum, a bit of foot lifting (just enough to avoid tripping), and, voila! Muscles relaxing, fibres unwinding, soreness ceding to buoyant space.

It would have been the perfect workout the day before a longer run, but we ended up getting massages that afternoon which apparently pressed toxins out of stagnant lymphatic quarries.  It was my first pro massage (really, I have been to Korea and Thailand, but have never gotten a massage) and I was not prepared for the slight soreness and lethargy, although I was told to drink lots of water afterward.  I did, but I didn't sleep well, nor did my husband. Consequently, this morning, we needed another 2-ish mile run on dirt instead of the hopeful 7.5 mile/three loop prospect.

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