Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Another new start

I think I fancy starting and restarting running over and over, particularly the initial copious and voluptuous gains, the initial steepness of progress.  Running is dissimilar to certain intellectual and artistic struggles; it inverts the slope of the graph (time v/s ability).  Yes, dampening the burning lung sensation is overwhelming at first, but then progress comes quickly and triumphs beget new triumphs without any additional push required and then, ever so deviously quietly, the plateau, or series of plateaus, and diminishing gains, approach.  In comparison, artistic and scientific stuff is initially a struggle, a tantrum or two over the first shade of green or logarithmic equation, and remains a struggle for the longest time until a meteoric rise in ability and consummation sparks, casting all the piddling toil beforehand into shadow.  And the heavens broaden, etc, etc, and limits fade into nothingness, mere tenuous atomic bonds, etc, and walking away for a bit keeps things on the burner and actually improves the strength and complexity of the forge, but running isn't like that at all. 

Restarting running is just that.  Square One (what is Square One? part of a boardgame?) It gets easier each time (unless one is restarting at a greatly advanced age, I suppose), but the body quickly returns to inertia and reduced numbers of mitochondria in the meantime, and so one must forget previous benchmarks, or render them more abstract: "this is what I am possibly capable of if everything goes as well as it could."  Not "this is my PB, why am I so much slower now?"  But it comes back eventually, and more quickly than before.

This is my convoluted way of saying that we've resumed running, 2.5 miles, far away from the allergens of Kansas.  Not the best run, but I couldn't have hoped for much.  I think the run dredged up some of that grit, I coughed it up and out, and I feel better already.  It was a nice sunlight run on trails, in 12C in late December.  An encouraging close to a somewhat athletically low year.  

My goal is to hack up all of the gunk by the end of the old year.

EDIT: And keep all the koi alive.  So far, so good--they've traveled for four-ish days already and are all still flipping!

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