Friday, May 4, 2012


Yesterday, the dog and I were both tired so we went for a walk instead.

Today, we jogged almost 2.5 miles and then I did a Z workout that was very intense.   Zuzana Light used to be the host of and now she has her own thing going, including real-time workouts.  I really really like these.  Admittedly, at times, she's done 10 reps and I got only 7 or 8 in; I skipped the rest and went to the next exercise with her.  I've gotten somewhat out of shape and sometimes 7 or 8 out of 10 is all I got.  But, occasionally, very occasionally, I've gotten ahead of her because she was using heavier weights, and watching her struggle for a few seconds was enough to convince me to pop an extra rep or two.

Zuzana has this amazing capacity to inspire others, not just me, to dig deeper, especially when she is clearly tired.  Her new workout videos are edited in terms of sound effects and superimposed graphics, but they don't appear to be edited for time.  One take only and at times we see her hurting pretty badly!  I suppose that it's partly this vulnerability that drives me to stick with her.

I've also tried some of MarC's workouts, which were fine and I like her charisma as well, but I haven't been consistent with her routines either, and I have not been doing the exercises that I should be doing as well (clamshells, etc).   Next week, I'll tweak the routine.  At least we ran 4 out of 5 mornings this week.  Eventually, I hope to lengthen at least a couple of those runs, but I have to ease into things and figure out good 3-4-5-6 mile routes.    The three mile route I thought we had is actually almost 2.5 miles: good for restarting a weekly routine and for easy runs at least, but not quite long enough for a daily run. There is also a good 8 mile route, the one with one of the large hills.  The other large hill route is ~6 miles depending on which way I go, and it is partially superb (in a park, partially on trails) and not so fun (sometimes uneven, sometimes absent sidewalks, lots of barking dogs).  There is also the option of taking the dog on the 2.5 mile route (which will work well during summer because he can cool off in the creek) and then continuing the run on the treadmill, but I would have to resist all distractions coming in to the house, but I cannot skip feeding him his post-run breakfast, which leads to feeding myself....we'll work on it.

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