Friday, March 16, 2012

a perfect spring day

It is 21C, but we had hotter temps up to 29 C this week, and so today feels more refreshing, but not in a crisp spring day way due to the humidity, cloudiness, and approaching storms. Rather, this is what I think of as a spring greenhouse day: the air and all of its smells and moisture and heat hugging the ground closely, bright green foliage further brightened by the light-filtering clouds, and, above all else, rampant germination. Everything's growing. This isn't the stagnant sauna of summer. I walked home today through the perfumes from various tree blossoms and the nurturing dampness of a seed tray.

The heat earlier in the week is an excuse for not running as much this week, I guess. The other factors were the time change (and ensuing sleep issues), and starting a new job.

I don't usually handle the spring forward thing very well, and since I started the training for a new job on Monday, that compounded the fear that I would sleep through my two alarms, and so I mostly went through just one sleep cycle per night, I guess. I'd sleep solidly for three hours, wake up, and then just keep waking up at ridiculously short intervals, for hours. Eventually, on Wednesday night, I was able to sleep for five hours straight. Last night, I woke up again after three or so hours but was able to go back to sleep for another three. It did not help that my work start time shifted from 8:30 to 6:30 am during this week. Ultimately, I will be working mostly, if not all, evening shift, but for now I'm doing first shift. I really like the job and am thrilled to have found one so quickly here, btw, but I'm not a fan of sleep deprivation, nor of the early morning start either because it kind of wrecks me for the rest of the day. I come home and it's like whaaaaa? already almost evening? and I'm useless. Whereas, if I start at 2 or 3, I can get a lot done before then, including the all-important post-lunch nap. This paragraph seems like a product of inadequate sleep, but I'm not really sure yet.

Also, I'm on my feet except during breaks, so I had to get re-used to that. I'm not sore, but running does not appeal to me at all.

So, assuming I don't take a spin through the greenhouse this afternoon, my runs have been 2 X 1ish mile/day: to-from work, with some walking uphill. the hills are steep--the walking counts! LOL. Pretty dismal!

Edit: I forgot about the flu shot and blood tests, and the mild touch of food was a jam-packed week!

Hopefully, things will go better next week.

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