Friday, March 9, 2012

the magic 8 mile

This morning: 2 easy miles with the dog, some walking uphill during that one. Can't escape the hills! We went up and down the creek path; I don't think I've mentioned the extension yet. Yes, the path actually goes further, along the river, but this part has been barricaded closed since we moved here. I'm hoping it's at least 1/2 of a mile further. Meanwhile, until the flood season passes or they finish construction (I'm not sure quite what's going on), we will have to wait.

This evening: 8ish miles on the treadmill. I started at dusk and the room gradually grew dark. At first, I felt a bit of discomfort and I could not get into a good groove for awhile. My legs were tired and heavy. The hilly 8ish mile run took a chunk out of me, and eating wheat accidentally finished the job. Turns out that the Neapolitan ice cream we've been eating for dessert this week has wheat in it. ?!!! Yeah, there's wheat in some ice cream flavours--I've given up my favourite flavour, chocolate chip cookie dough--but Neapolitan should have sugar, cream, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate, and that's it! This wasn't a cheap brand, either. At least I'm not feeling any pain, just heaviness; my guts felt a bit sore after the tough run, but I'd figured that the monster hill had torched my abs or whatever.

Anyway, I started jogging pretty slowly on the TM because I wanted to ease into it. After about 20 minutes, I was able to increase the speed, bit by bit. The room gradually grew darker, and the music grew louder, and eventually everything else receded, including discomfort. I pushed the speed up higher and higher, very gradually because I wanted to keep the run easy, but as I loosened up and the music sped up (it's a remix CD with tracks that successively get faster in tempo), I was able to do more. I couldn't get into this groove that's been happening recently, where I feel like I'm hardly moving and the base of my spine is suspended in space, but I got into another groove where my stride opened up, at it felt good. I couldn't see where the speed setting was anymore, I could barely see my feet, I was just going. It felt good by the end.


Fran said...

When I run on treadmills and I get into that feeling of flow, it always always reaches a crescendo where I imagine I am bounding across a sunny golden field. It does feel kind of magical.

Fran said...

haha - that should be *almost* always

cs said...

A sunny golden field! Ah, the perfect setting. I will try to envision that field next time things go well on the TM.

Are we unearthing primordial inherited memories from an African savannah?