Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 4

I'm keeping track of days without wheat. It doesn't make sense for me to continue eating something that makes me feel ill; fortunately, I'm merely 'intolerant' so when I'm invited to supper and there's wheat, it's not going to be a big deal eating it. But it's easy enough to avoid it when I'm eating at home.

Anyway, I've been sleeping better. Aspirin helps. Yesterday, it was easy getting up; I felt well rested, energetic and optimistic. So I grabbed the dog and we set out. We jogged for 43 minutes. It was slow and yet perhaps not slow enough to get into the same recovery mode as last run, but it was still an ok run. I felt stiff and sore, but perhaps a little less than normal. I felt like I could have gone further, too, but they've blocked off part of the Canal path and I felt that it was a good place to turn around. At any rate, it was a significant improvement and I'm feeling more upbeat about what I'm going through. I still have a check up next week, but it would be good to show up with some improvement already behind me.

Today, we'll walk. I have a zillion things to do, study for a major chemistry exam tomorrow, type up lab reports for Monday (hopefully, Monday!) and do another lab quiz sometime before then (fortunately, online), study for another test on Monday (this one on surgical instrument sterilization), clean the house for my MIL's visit this weekend, volunteer at the hospital this afternoon, etc, etc, etc....but I had to update: I actually had another not-entirely miserable run.

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