Monday, January 25, 2010

went to the doc, and

I might have problems digesting wheat but I don't have celiac disease. Which is good because it's hard to avoid wheat when traveling or visiting.

However, I'm still left with soreness, abdominal pain, etc and I'm no further along with figuring out the cause. It's a bit disappointing in a way. I don't want celiac disease, but I want a solution! I will see my nurse practitioner next week and hopefully she'll be able to think of another avenue of investigation.

I ran on Saturday for forty minutes and it was actually a good recovery run thanks to my dog. I really owe him. I set off as usual, easy but stiff and sore, but he was running more slowly than I, and so I slowed down for him and wound up in a good relaxing zone. Things still hurt, but after a while, it felt useful. this was very encouraging after a couple of months of tough and pointless runs. It's hard to describe the recovery run feeling without the usual context: the day after a tough run/workout, things are sore, but after twenty-odd minutes of very gentle jogging, the increased blood flow loosens and refreshes stiff and sore muscles. The day after that, no more discomfort. It felt better to jog for a few miles the day after a hard run than to rest completely. For me, I feel a coolness when things loosen up and presumably recover; I also feel this in yoga. Or used to.

But I felt that feeling on Saturday. Not fresh muscles, but the feeling of muscles potentially being refreshed.

I haven't run since, but maybe I'll try tomorrow. Unfortunately, I was awake for too much of last night with aches and night sweats, so I'm not really in the mood to try running today. I've been good with doing yoga every day, though. I go to the gentlest classes...not sure if it's helping or not.

So, instead of running 50+ miles a week and feeling fine, I'm running about 6 and feeling sore. LOL

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