Thursday, January 14, 2010


Actually, there's not much to say.

I completely forgot about the sun salutations while I was in Calgary, but I managed to stay focused for my labs from 8:30-18:30, so I'm happy with that! The aches went away too.

Alas, the aches are back now, possibly because I had some wheat on Sunday. Or possibly because I've been doing my hospital practical, which is 8 hrs of standing/walking around/etc. That used to not be a problem but I'm weaker now. I haven't been sleeping well and I'm sore. Fortunately, today, I have time for a nap (I'm sleeping well over 10 hrs a day these days, lol) and this evening is the last session. In about a week and a half, I'll go back to the GI doc for a follow up, and I'll also see my nurse practitioner and hopefully we'll be closer to figuring out what's going on.

I'd stopped my push ups and so forth because the inflammation was building up; I'm not sure when I can resume them but maybe I'll try a few here and there and if it's yet too much, I'll cut back yet again. That's the main frustration: I don't mind hurting the day after hard workouts, and I understand scaling back when injured, but this has been a degenerative process for the past umpteen months and less and less hurts me more and more. Where does it end? I'm pretty fed up. I'm in training for this new job and if that is going to wreck me, what do I do? How could I run 60+ miles a week while working overtime about a year ago and be in less pain then than I am now?

Meanwhile, running has gone by the wayside. I think it's safe to say that I will not be running the Winterman. Meanwhile, after tonight, I'll resume eating wheat, like cake and croissants and all that good stuff. lol


Fran said...

Good luck with your labs in Cowtown! And can you tell me why they call it that? Are there really that many cows?

I am SO sorry to hear you're still not feeling good. Boo. Hang in there, sister, and you'll be back up and running (sorry) soon. Maybe I'll do up a tee shirt with your pic on it and wear it in the race, haha! My running has fallen way off, too; looks like it will be a long walk in the slush....alone!

cs said...

I'm sorry to hear that you're off (on?) the wagon too. :(
wanna switch to the 5K walk if there is one? lol.
Fingers crossed that things will improve for you!

Cowtown--don't know! will ask next time