Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Sat: walking
Sunday: 1.5hrs jogging (with some walking up grassy knolls, lol)
Monday: walking (5ish miles) and stairs)
Tues: walking (5ish miles)
And yoga almost every day, admittedly only 20-30 min, but that's a start.

I'm still being strict about not eating 2-3 hrs before bed, and I am sleeping better and am a bit less stiff and sore. When I started my run on Sunday, it almost felt like I hadn't already been running for eons. lol. That near-fresh feeling lasted only about a mile, but it was promising. It was almost like old times.
It was a fun run too, a new route which turned out better than I'd thought it would. Because I was trying to see how long it was, of course I had to take a detour and muck up the mileage count.

I did 4 stair repeats yesterday. I may or may not do them tomorrow--I'm hoping to do a longer run. Will see how I feel and what I can get done. I will be alone, sans dog (he's getting dropped off at the kennel tonight, and we'll leave for the US tomorrow noon-ish), and so I can duck into stores and buy what piques my appetite. It's been a while since I've had a true grazing run and I'm looking forward to it. I'm hoping to incorporate two stops.

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