Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It was gorgeous yesterday--1 C and sunny. I decided that it was time to go on a long run incorporating the Rideau River nature trail, which is a good chunk of dirt. Too bad it's not longer.

Unfortunately, it was a bad gut morning, but that's not unusual, and I wasn't out to break any speed records. Although I still did--my slowest 10 miles ever. I'm blaming the dirt! LOL

I was drained, but I took it as easy as I needed to take it, and I took a couple of walk breaks when I had to. It was very relaxing on the trail. And then I got more tired, and then I started to get depressed and angry that what would have been an easy run was taking so much out of me--actually, I got angry when I crossed the canal at the Experimental farm and found the bathroom locked for the winter, lol--I'd been counting on that thing. It took a mile or two to calm down. By the time I was about a mile from home, I was on autopilot. Everything hurt so I was distancing myself. It was disconcertingly like the last mile of a 20-miler or longer. I hit the ten mile mark around 1:57:xx. total 10.1X miles in 2 hrs. At that point, I didn't care about the distance.

It had been my original plan to run 12 miles--this would have been a very relaxing 2hr run, but it was not meant to be. Then I decided on 11 miles, and then I figured that maybe two hrs was enough. The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of going by time on the long runs. I'm maintaining my cadence. I can pretend that, yeah, the same number of footstrikes would have gotten me 12 or 13 miles.

I slept poorly due to inflammation/soreness.

Today, I jogged for 22 minutes. I couldn't loosen up no matter how slowly I went, but I figured that getting the blood flowing would be enough. And then I got to a certain point where I started feeling more tired. That's when I stopped. I felt some coolness in my muscles afterwards, the same feeling I get after getting out of a long yin yoga pose--it means that something beneficial is happening. It's like a little chill trickling through.

I'm going to another yin class soon. I think it's important to do that.

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