Sunday, November 1, 2009

a break

I walked Friday and Saturday--too much inflammation to run on Friday, and Saturday, I guess I was just lazy. LOL

I also got my H1N1 shot on Saturday; I wasn't sure what I'd be able to manage today.

After sleeping about 11 hrs, I got up and jogged about six miles with the dog. It was very slow, took me about 64-65 min to do six miles, but I think it was very productive. I started off nice and easy and concentrated on loosening up various things. The worst was something in my right started to get sore on Friday sometime after supper. By Sunday, things had seized up. It took about three miles to loosen up, and then, of course, other bits clamoured for my attention; I tried to keep things fluid and gradually I got even slower, I think, but I felt much better at the end of it.

This is the best 'recovery' run I've had in a while...I think I've been going too fast, or not slow enough. My jogging speed is now my old recovery run speed and I don't think I was tapping into the true recovery jog level of effort anymore. I've been pondering my recent 30ish min jogs, my so-called 'easy' runs, and more and more I don't think I've accomplished much with those. What's the point in going out and doing a thirty minute too-fast-for--recovery run? I'm going to get tired out, but it's not a 30 min tempo run so I'm not going to improve, and instead I'm going to withdraw energy from my harder run, and I don't really enjoy 30 min runs much, anyway. Maybe a slower hour-long run, like the one I did today, will serve much better. I feel so. Maybe the day after a tough workout, I'd be better off just doing 20 min or whatever, or walking, but it's great to know that I can enjoy a longer run and be better off with it too.

I went to a yin yoga class later on, which helped as well. I'm hoping to do a longer run tomorrow. I was hoping to do it today, but I had too many things to loosen up.

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