Sunday, June 14, 2009


Man, someone turned that thing on early today. Things were nicely cooking and steaming by the time I headed out, just a few minutes too late for run club. This is an improvement. I had debated just sleeping in--I'm still not 100%--but it was nice and sunny so I got up.

And it was humid and muggy.

I didn't quite catch up to run club, and they went around a corner and they were gone. Gone!

I guessed at the turn they took, chose poorly, so ended up just jogging on my own and feeling my head bake. After a mile or so, I passed a fast men's running group heading the opposite way across a bridge. I continued along the river and then turned back to hit the water fountain and hill up the Canal and they passed me. I then passed them. Then they passed me. Then I passed some of them, and then they passed me when I stopped at another water fountain. One guy asked if it was on yet--oh, yeah! This one was broken but they got it fixed eventually. So I tried to keep up but I didn't want to be hot and miserable AND breathing heavily...I looked at my Garmin and it said 7:23/mile. lol. I sort of hung on for a bit longer and then had to drift back. Got a couple or so faster miles out of it, though, which was a nice change. I ran on, then back again to another water fountain.

Yep, it was all about water fountains this day! I drank and drenched my hat.

On the way back, I met a clot of Walmart walkers--Walmart was having a Walk for/of/? Miracles. Fortunately, there was a lower path I could take.

I looked at my Garmin and saw almost ten miles at just under 1:30. Hey, I could do ten in 1:30. Just over, in 1:31. LOL This was eleven miles total (though not in 1:31), actually, because I'd started it about a mile into my run. I finished off another mile jogging back to the coffee shop. Had a bit of a break there, then a mile home.

Not bad for a steamy steamy day. It was only 23C by the time I was finished, though. I'm gonna fry this summer!!!!

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