Monday, June 22, 2009

Counting down~

Sunday: more dragonboating. no run.
Monday: 7.5 miles with the dog this morning. Not a steady run. It was already kind of hot, so I took walk breaks to let him cool down including, admittedly, the last two miles. He wilts even more than I do in the heat, poor thing has more fur and fewer sweat glands. Still, I wanted to get him out for a while to tire him. I'll be away for nearly a week in a couple of days. :)

This evening, I was supposed to run with the group but I took a nap that was longer than intended. I missed the group, but headed out anyway and ended up jogging a couple of miles with a racewalker whom I often see during Wednesday speedwork. He's pretty fast--he was taking it easy, and it was a nice pace, like 10:20/mile. Then I continued on and met up with my friends, who were going about 2 min/mile faster...I didn't stick with them long. Too hot for that. lol. This is something that happens quite a bit with the group--I really like being a part of it, but their jogging speed tends to be quite faster than mine, even the people who are slower than I in races and speedwork. Maybe I'm lazy. Maybe they'll blow by me next season. Oh, well. We'll see what happens when my husband gets back; I've been considering doing long runs on my own. I could go at my pace, which is sometimes 11:00/mile for the first few if I'm feeling crappy, and also do Daniels' workouts such as tempo portions within longer runs. I'll think about it more once I decide what races I'm doing this fall!

I walked the last mile home to cool off. It was pretty hot out there today. 8.91 miles in the evening, so 16.41 total.

I think tomorrow will be a lighter day, will see what time I get up. I'm still short on sleep and I'm dealing with stomach issues again. Hopefully they'll go away; I sure as heck don't want to spend another summer with them. I'm not jogging alone in a forest these days--my options are more limited downtown. LOL

oh, yeah, I'm pretty beat up, but I'll do some light resistance exercises soon, to get back into that routine.

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